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Friday, February 4, 2011

I Can Save Pro Wrestling: Quick Thoughts...

Quick thoughts:

a couple days ago I did something that may not save pro wrestling, but certainly helps it. I announced the 3rd participant in the 3rd annual Anarchy Championship Wrestling American Joshi Queen of Queens Tournament ( ). The young woman that was announced is surrounded by a great deal of Indy buzz; her name, Mia Yim. Why do I think this helps pro wrestling? Well, because she’s going to be a star one day. That is, if we as a wrestling community help to cultivate her & other young talent. She has all the makings of a star, youth, beauty, athleticism & charisma. She is exactly what the big 2 (big 1 & much smaller other 1) are looking for. There is a ton of great talent that isn’t getting their chance to shine in new areas. In a down economy promoters are more & more likely to save the dollar & use untrained, inexperienced local talent. Yes, I am obviously aware that inexperienced local talent is a great asset, but you need to bring in people to teach and new young talents to learn with & create chemistry with. ACW would be nothing without Jerry Lynn teaching us how to run the ropes, inside & out of pro wrestling. Invest in the future.

To be completely honest, I’ve never seen a second of Mia Yim’s in-ring wrestling. So, why would she be offered a spot in such an important event, sight unseen?

My three reasons:

#1 – Buzz. People are talking & they are saying great things about Mia Yim. Buzz can be tricky, you have to watch very closely as to who is creating the buzz. Many talk, but only few say anything worth listening to.

#2 – I know who went to bat to get her a look in Shimmer. I have zero idea if Mia Yim even knows, but when someone this great goes to bat for you, you’re on the right path. Point being, you never know who is watching you & who is talking about you. Don’t give them an option to say anything but great things. A pro wrestler lives & dies on word of mouth.

#3 – Freshness. Wrestling in general is in a transition period. A lot of great talent is coming up as a lot of experienced talent is leaving. Embrace the new & use the experienced to educate. Veteran talent is so important, don’t put them out to pasture, but make them share the spotlight.

- Darin Childs

I Can Save Pro Wrestling

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hope is not hopeless...

I know its incredibly dark, feels like the walls are caving in. you’re starting to question if you’re blind. You’re not, (well maybe some of you are). JUST FOCUS! look ahead. See it? Yes, that tiny little white pinhole that looks to be miles away. THAT is the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Hope is not hopeless. It can be saved; I can save pro wrestling…

For those that don’t know me, (which is pretty much every wrestling fan in the world), I am Darin Childs, a 30 year old man who started in the professional wrestling business at the age of 17. I even went on to marry a 3rd generation wrestler & the granddaughter of a WWE Hall of Famer. I am the walking definition of “caught in the bubble”. Despite the fact that I couldn’t ever get away from the business even if I wanted to, I have learned how to view the world from a much healthier view point, reality. When many of us became professional wrestlers, we used the business as a form of escapism. Most forge artificial names, artificial histories & artificial realities. You add this very unique brand of delusion to the ego of high caliber athletes & you’ve got yourself an army of emotionally challenged egomaniacs living in made up worlds in which they can always justify how even in defeat, “They looked strong”. I should know; I’m as damaged as anyone. Professional Wrestling has always attracted the same characters; we are starved for attention, affection, Love & a place to belong. I believe that when you truly acquire those 4 things, (in wrestling or anywhere else) you can find your way back to reality. Reality for me, oddly enough, keeps me planted right here in the wrestling bubble as I race against the clock to promote Anarchy Championship Wrestling as well as mercilessly edit video for both ACW & St. Louis Anarchy.

I am actually headed back to reality right now. Where a lot more wrestlers tend to visit than you would think…

Tomorrow I will blog from an elliptical & actually let the world in on why I know I’m the man that can save pro wrestling.

Friday, January 28, 2011

I can save pro wrestling #2

Today has started exactly how I suspected it would...With a great deal of resistance to this site & overall movement. Also as suspected, the resistance is coming from those that are clearly part of the problem. They say the American government lost is prestige when the government stopped fearing the people & the people started fearing its government. Wrestling is no different. We need a revolution, we need to stand up, we need to unite & most importantly, we need to overthrow those who vow to keep their prominence at the expense of the business of professional wrestling. I can save pro wrestling, but I can't do it alone.
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Do you think you know what Can Save Pro Wrestling?

Do you think you know what Can Save Pro Wrestling?

send your thoughts to

I can save pro wrestling #1

I was a 6 year old child & like most of us Gen X'ers, I was living from one episode of Masters of the Universe to the next. I can now thank that boredom for helping me find a love of a different sort. From the 1st time I saw the magical rainbow of colored sequins that made up the cloak of The Macho Man Randy Savage, I was not only hooked on professional wrestling, I was instantly OBSESSED. I loved pro wrestling more than anything...things have changed.
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